Respratory Panel
Sample Source: Nasopharyngeal, Oropharyngeal, or Sputum
Collection Media: VTM Kit with Transport Media & Swab
Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are infectious diseases involving the respiratory tract. An infection of this type usually is further classified as an upper respiratory tract infection (URI or URTI) or a lower respiratory tract infection (LRI or LRTI).
✓ Covid-19 PCR
✓ Bordetella holmesii
✓ Bordetella parapertussis
✓ Bordetella pertussis
✓ Chlamydia pneumoniae
✓ Coxiella burnetii
✓ Group A&B Strep
✓ Group C&G Strep
✓ Haemophilus influenzae
✓ Haemophilus influenzae B
✓ Human Adenovirus
✓ Human Bocavirus
✓ Human Coronavirus 229E
✓ Human Coronavirus HKU1
✓ Human Coronavirus NL63
✓ Human Coronavirus OC43
✓ Human Enterovirus
✓ Human Metapneumovirus A/B
✓ Human Parechovirus
✓ Human Rhinovirus
✓ Influenza A
✓ Influenza A/H1-2009
✓ Influenza A/H3
✓ Influenza B
✓ Influenza C
✓ Klebsiella pneumoniae
✓ Legionella longbeache
✓ Legionella pneumophila
✓ Moraxella catarrhalis
✓ Mycoplasma pneumoniae
✓ Parainfluenza Virus 1,2,3,4
✓ Pneumocystis jirovecii
✓ SARS (2002)
✓ Staphylococcus aureus
✓ Staphylococcus pneumoniae
Antibiotic Resistance ID (ABR)
Vancomycin Resistance
Methicillin Resistance
PVL (Panton–Valentine leukocidin)